Monday, 19 May 2014

Difference Between Laser and Electrolysis Hair Removal Treatment

Both men and women have concerns about unwanted hair that they struggle with, although their concerns will differ. Women generally dislike all body hair, but men vary in their needs – some are primarily concerned with ingrown hair, or ear and nose hair, others are conscious of excessive hair growth on back and/or chest, or beard removal. Bodybuilders need to have smooth, hair-free skin to show the contours of their muscles.

Tweezing, shaving, waxing...when you add up all the hours of your life that are spent on this, does it start to make you think it’s time to consider alternatives? Why continue to repeat hair removal with non-permanent methods?

Permanent hair reduction is accomplished with either laser or electrolysis hair removal treatments.Get to know the difference between Laser and Electrolysis Hair Removal treatment

Here is a comparison of these processes:

Electrolysis Laser
Insertion of needle Applied light energy
Vascular system contact No vascular system contact
Slow process Fast process
Accurate, fine targetting Large spot treatment
Higher fluence level Lower fluence level
No risk for tanned or dark skin Caution with tanned or dark skin
Works on red hair Does not work on red hair
Will work on white or grey hair Does not work on white hair
Cost for small area is low Cost for small area may be high
Cost for large area is high Cost for large area is low

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Get Rid Off Unwanted Hairs Through Ingrown Hair Laser Treatment

Ingrown hair occurs when hairs attempt to grow but do not break through your exterior of your skin. Instead they grow sideways along or under your skin, or even rotate in reverse and grow into your skin. At times Ingrown hair are accompanied by folliculitis, a condition where the follicle becomes infected.

This condition occurs when curved hairs turn toward the skin and end up growing back into it. Pseudofolliculitis is common for men as a result of shaving. The sharpened ends of the hair grow back into the skin, especially the neck, which causes inflammation and will eventually result in scarring.
The medical term for ingrown hair is pseudofolliculitis barbae, however it is known by many other names - barber's itch, folliculitis barbae traumatica, razor bumps and shave bumps.

Ingrown hairs are most common on the male face or neck, but can also occur on other parts of the body where hair is shaved or plucked, especially areas where hair is curly and the skin is sensitive, such as genital shaving (medical term pseudofolliculitis pubis).

Ingrown hairs lead to inflammation and can make the skin itchy and red, and in some cases, it can even look like pimples. These inflamed papules or pustules can form especially if the area becomes infected. If left untreated, this can eventually cause keloid scarring in the beard area.

At Champion Laser, we are well experienced at eliminating problems of ingrown hairs — permanently. We are able to attack the hair under the skin and disable it to stop new growth.

We can also minimize or eliminate the chance of recurrence for people that suffer from this condition chronically. For example, a laser hair removal treatment can remove the beard on the face and/or neck completely but since hair grows in cycles, it will only remove the hair that is active during that cycle. When the next cycle begins new hair will regenerate, however this hair will be significantly reduced in coarseness, therefore less likely to result in ingrown hairs.

To book for free consultation, Call 403 210.4801.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Monday, 7 April 2014

Get To Know Best Methods Of Hair Removal For Body Builders

Body builders generally go for hair removal because of hurdles in their competition. Most of the body builders use some temporary hair removal treatment which creates a non ending cycle of ingrown hairs. So, again and again hair removal can be a time-consuming commitment.Bodybuilders must remove hair on large body areas such as chest, abdomen, back and legs, as well as arms, underarms, bikini area, neck, face, hands, feet,toes and for most bodybuilders this is a weekly chore. Do not hesitate to ask your queries related to hair removal treatment. Call us today at  4032104801 or read more at

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Clear Your Confusion Related To Electrolysis And Laser Hair Removal

Get familiar with both the processes of hair removal each of them has its advantages.There are a lot of myths surrounding this question. Some say electrolysis is the only method that works permanently. Some say laser is the only solution and electrolysis is a waste of time. You can also clear your myths regarding electrolysis and laser treatment.
Call us at 403 210.4801.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

It Is Essential To Clear your myths about hair removal and hair fall.


There are many myths regarding hair growth, hair loss and dark skin hair removal. We are happy to shed some light to bust the myths of our customers. There are some very common myths about hair removal:

- Generally people think Tweezing, Shaving, Waxing or Creams are Helpful.
- People with Dark Skin have a myth that lasers work effectively for Hair removal for such skin.
- Electrolysis versus Laser
- Do you think that fine hair be permanently removed?
For your myth busting visit or call us at 403 210-4801.